Solar Power in Florida - current trends and industry outlook (2019-2029)
The Solar Power industry in Florida is expected to grow an annualized x.x% to
/$1.9 billion over the five years to 2024, while the national industry will likely
grow at a rate of x.x% during the same period. Industry establishments have increased an annualized x.x% to
36 locations, while industry employment...
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Solar Power in Florida industry statistics
attach_moneyFlorida Market Size: $1.9 bn
business Number of Businesses in Florida: 36
supervisor_accountFlorida Industry Employment: 474
poll Contribution to Florida Economy: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.
poll Share of Solar Power in the US Revenue: x.x%lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.
Solar Power in Florida - county industry data
The Solar Power industry in Florida has the highest share of establishments in the following counties:
adjust Miami-Dade County: x.x% of Florida establishments
adjust Broward County: x.x% of Florida establishments
adjust Hillsborough County: x.x% of Florida establishments
adjust Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis laudantium, totam aperiam, eaque ipsa.
Geographic breakdown of the Solar Power industry in the US
The national Solar Power industry is most heavily concentrated in California, Florida and Texas. IBISWorld provides industry research for the Solar Power industry in 38 states. See other states where this industry is concentrated.
location_on Solar Power in California Geographic Concentration: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.
location_on Solar Power in Florida Geographic Concentration: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.
location_on Solar Power in Texas Geographic Concentration: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.
location_on [County Name 3] County: x.x% of [Industry Name] in [State or Province Name] Establishments
What is the Solar Power industry?
Industry Definition
Operators in this industry own and operate solar-power-generating facilities, such as photovoltaic panels or solar thermal power stations, that use mirrors or lenses to concentrate the sun’s energy. This industry covers utility-scale solar and does not include distributed energy.
Industry Products and Services
Photovoltaic power
Concentrating solar power
All Others
Industry Activities
- Generating photovoltaic power
- Generating concentrated solar power
Market research report - table of contents
About this Report
Industry Definition
Operators in this industry own and operate solar-power-generating facilities, such as photovoltaic panels or solar thermal power stations, that use mirrors or lenses to concentrate the sun’s energy. This industry covers utility-scale solar and does not include distributed energy.
Main Activities
Generating photovoltaic power
Generating concentrated solar power
Similar Industries
Additional Resources
Industry at a Glance
Industry Statistics Snapshot
Industry Structure
Executive Summary
Industry Performance
Key External Drivers
Current Performance
Industry Outlook
Table: Solar Power in Florida Revenue Outlook
Industry Life Cycle
Life Cycle Reasons
Chart: Benchmarking - Solar Power in Florida Lifecycle vs The Economy
Products and Markets
Supply Chain
Key Buying Industries
Key Selling Industries
Products & Services
Demand Determinants
Major Markets
Chart: Major Market Segmentation for the Solar Power in Florida
International Trade
Business Locations
Chart: Business Locations by State
Competitive Landscape
Market Share Concentration
Key Success Factors
Cost Structure Benchmarks
Profit, Purchases, Wages, Other Costs
Chart: Cost Structure Benchmarking – Sector vs Solar Power in Florida
Basis of Competition
Internal competition
External competition
Barriers to Entry
Table: Barriers to Entry Checklist for the Solar Power in Florida
Industry Globalization
Operating Conditions
Capital Intensity
Chart: Level of Capital Intensity for the Solar Power in Florida
Chart: Tools of the Trade: Growth Strategies for Success
Technology & Systems
Revenue Volatility
Chart: Volatility vs Industry Growth
Regulation & Policy
Industry Assistance
Industry at a Glance
Key Statistics
Industry Structure
Capital Intensity
Industry Assistance
Industry Globalization
Life Cycle
Regulation Level
Technology Change
Concentration Level
Competition Level
Revenue Volatility
Barriers to Entry
Product & Services Segmentation
Major Players
Key Trends
About this Report
Industry Definition
Main Activities
Similar Industries
Industry Performance
Key External Drivers
Current Performance
Industry Outlook
Analyst Insights
Competitive Landscape
Market Share Concentration
Cost Structure Benchmarks
Additional Resources
Additional Resources
Industry Jargon