Industry Statistics and Rankings
How does this industry perform in Belgium compared to Europe?
Country Benchmarking
Industry Data Belgium
Ranking are out of 37 European countries for which IBISWorld provides country-level factsheets.
#14 In EuropeBusiness
#19 In EuropeEmployees
#21 In EuropeWages
#17 In EuropeMajor influences on the European Metal Forming Machinery and Machine Tool manufacturing industry include motor vehicle and aerospace manufacturers, major sheet metal purchasers and high-precision machinery. Over the five years through 2024, industry revenue is expected to contract at a compound annual rate of 6.5% to €43.1 billion, including a dip of 1.5% in 2024. Car production in the EU has remained below pre-pandemic levels. ACEA data reveals that 2022’s output was approximately 3.1 million units below 2019. The automotive industry requires large quantities of sheet metal; therefore, the dwindling production numbers indicate a shrinking sales pool for manufacturers to tap into. Commercial air traffic also remains down on pre-pandemic levels in many European countries, leading to a slowdown in order intake from aerospace manufacturers.
Number of businesses in 2024
Biggest companies in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium
Company | Market Share (%)
2024 | Revenue (€m)
2024 | Profit (€m)
2024 | Profit Margin (%)
2024 |
Trumpf GmbH & Co KG | 5,409.2 | 584.2 | 10.8 | |
ESAB Corporation | 2,301.2 | 178.3 | 7.7 | |
DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaft | 2,480.0 | 225.8 | 9.1 |
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Top Questions Answered in this Report
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What is the market size of the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium in 2024?
The market size of the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium is €345.1m in 2024.
How many businesses are there in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry in 2024?
There are 83 businesses in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium, which has declined at a CAGR of 0.0 % between 2019 and 2024.
Has the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium grown or declined over the past 5 years?
The market size of the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium has been declining at a CAGR of 6.6 % between 2019 and 2024.
What is the forecast growth of the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium over the next 5 years?
Over the next five years, the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium is expected to grow.
What are the biggest companies in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing market in Belgium?
The biggest companies operating in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing market in Belgium are Trumpf GmbH & Co KG, ESAB Corporation and DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaft
What does the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium include?
Metal cutting machine tools and Forming machine tools are part of the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry.
Which companies have the highest market share in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium?
The company holding the most market share in Belgium is Trumpf GmbH & Co KG.
How competitive is the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium?
The level of competition is moderate and decreasing in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing industry in Belgium.
Related Industries
This industry is covered in 37 countries
Domestic industries
- Metal Casting in Belgium
- Iron & Steel Casting in Belgium
- Construction Materials, Equipment & Supplies Wholesaling in Belgium
International industries
Table of Contents
About this industry
Industry definition
This industry includes the manufacture of machine tools for drilling, turning, milling, bending and pressing. The industry also includes the manufacture of machine tools that use laser beams, ultrasonic waves, plasma arcs and magnetic pulses to process all materials.
Related Terms
Metal cutting machine toolsForming machine toolsParts and accessories for machine toolsCompanies
Trumpf GmbH & Co KGESAB CorporationDMG Mori AktiengesellschaftIndustry Code
2822 - Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools in Belgium
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Revenue Highlights
- Revenue
- 2024 Revenue CAGR
- Revenue Volatility
Employment Highlights
- Employees
- Employees per Business
- Revenue per Employee
Business Highlights
- Businesses
- Employees per Business
- Revenue per Business
Profit Highlights
- Total Profit
- Profit Margin
- Profit per Business
Current Performance
- Revenue
- Employees
- Business
- Profit
What's driving current industry performance in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry?
What's driving the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry outlook?
What influences volatility in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry?
- Industry Volatility vs. Revenue Growth Matrix
Life Cycle
What determines the industry life cycle stage in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry?
- Industry Life Cycle Matrix
Products and Markets
- Largest Market
- Product Innovation
Key Takeaways
High-precision machinery is in vogue. Key downstream industries like automobile and aircraft producers are seeking partnerships with manufacturers of high-precision, semi-autonomous machinery to boost the productivity of their factories.
Products and Services
- Products and Services Segmentation
How are the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry's products and services performing?
What are innovations in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry's products and services?
Major Markets
- Major Market Segmentation
What influences demand in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry?
International Trade
- Total Imports into Belgium
- Total Exports into Belgium
Heat maps
- Industry Concentration of Imports by Country
- Industry Concentration of Exports by Country
Data Tables
Value and annual change (%) included
- Number of Imports and Exports by European Country (2024)
Competitive Forces
- Concentration
- Competition
- Barriers to Entry
- Substitutes
- Buyer Power
- Supplier Power
Key Takeaways
Concentration in the industry is moderate. While a few companies hold a significant share of the industry, there’s a large number of SMEs specialising in niche products or serving regional markets.
Supply Chain
Buyer and supply industries
Geographic Breakdown
Business Locations
Heat maps
- Share of Total Industry Establishments by Region (2024)
Data Tables
- Number of Establishments by Region (2024)
- Share of Establishments vs. Population of Each Region
What regions are businesses in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium located?
Data Tables
Top 10 companies by market share:
- Market share (2024)
- Revenue (2024)
- Profit (2024)
- Profit margin (2024)
External Environment
- Regulation & Policy
- Assistance
Key Takeaways
Product safety is a paramount concern. The main regulation affecting manufacturers is how safe their machinery is to operate, although this is decreasing in importance as more and more machines are remotely operated via computers.
External Drivers
What demographic and macroeconomic factors impact the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry?
Financial Benchmarks
- Profit Margin
- Average Wage
- Largest Cost
Key Takeaways
Key input prices can fluctuate heavily. Manufacturers of machinery require regular shipments of raw materials like steel, aluminium and other metals, whose costs can rise and fall regularly, adding volatility to profit.
Cost Structure
- Share of Economy vs. Investment Matrix
Industry Cost Structure Benchmarks:
- Marketing
- Depreciation
- Profit
- Purchases
- Wages
- Rent
- Utilities
- Other
What trends impact cost in the Metal-Forming Machinery & Machine Tool Manufacturing in Belgium industry?
Key Ratios
Data tables
- IVA/Revenue (2014-2029)
- Imports/Demand (2014-2029)
- Exports/Revenue (2014-2029)
- Revenue per Employee (2014-2029)
- Wages/Revenue (2014-2029)
- Employees per Establishment (2014-2029)
- Average Wage (2014-2029)
Country Benchmarks
European Leaders & Laggards
Data Tables
Top and boottom five countries listed for each:
- Revenue Growth (2024)
- Business Growth (2024)
- Job Growth (2024)
European Country Performance
Data Tables
Rankings available for 37 countries. Statistics ranked include:
- IVA/Revenue (2024)
- Imports/Demand (2024)
- Exports/Revenue (2024)
- Revenue per Employee (2024)
- Wages/Revenue (2024)
- Employees per Establishment (2024)
- Average Wage (2024)
Structural Comparison
Data Tables
Trends in 37 countries benchmarked against trends in Europe
- Concentration
- Competition
- Barriers to Entry
- Buyer Power
- Supplier Power
- Volatility
- Capital Intensity
- Innovation
- Life Cycle
Key Statistics
Industry Data
Data Tables
Including values and annual change:
- Revenue (2014-2029)
- IVA (2014-2029)
- Establishments (2014-2029)
- Enterprises (2014-2029)
- Employment (2014-2029)
- Exports (2014-2029)
- Imports (2014-2029)
- Wages (2014-2029)
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Each industry report incorporates data and research from government databases, industry-specific sources, industry contacts, and IBISWorld's proprietary database of statistics and analysis to provide balanced, independent and accurate insights.
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