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Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia - Market Research Report

Published: November 06, 2024

Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia - current trends and industry outlook (2019-2029)

The Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry in Virginia is expected to grow an annualized x.x% to /$285.2 million over the five years to 2024, while the national industry will likely grow at a rate of x.x% during the same period. Industry establishments have decreased an annualized x.x% to 17 locations, while industry employment... lock Purchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.

Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia industry statistics

attach_moneyVirginia Market Size: $285.2 m

business Number of Businesses in Virginia: 17

supervisor_accountVirginia Industry Employment: 619

poll Contribution to Virginia Economy: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.

poll Share of Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in the US Revenue: x.x%lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.

Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia - county industry data

The Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry in Virginia has the highest share of establishments in the following counties:

adjust Virginia Beach City: x.x% of Virginia establishments

adjust Loudoun County: x.x% of Virginia establishments

adjust Chesterfield County: x.x% of Virginia establishments

adjust Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis laudantium, totam aperiam, eaque ipsa.

error_outline To view all county-level data for this industry, see report purchase options.

Geographic breakdown of the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry in the US

The national Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry is most heavily concentrated in California, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. IBISWorld provides industry research for the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry in 38 states. See other states where this industry is concentrated.

location_on Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in California Geographic Concentration: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.

location_on Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Wisconsin Geographic Concentration: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.

location_on Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Pennsylvania Geographic Concentration: x.x% lockPurchase this report or a membership to unlock our full summary for this industry.

location_on [County Name 3] County: x.x% of [Industry Name] in [State or Province Name] Establishments

error_outline For the full geographic breakdown of the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry, see report purchase options.

What is the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry?

Industry Definition

This industry manufactures electric lighting fixtures, nonelectric lighting equipment, lighting fixture components and lampshades made of metal, paper or textiles. The industry excludes establishments that manufacture light bulbs and tubes, glass lighting fixtures, vehicular lighting equipment, current-carrying wiring devices and lampshades made of plastic.

Industry Products and Services

Resident electric lighting fixtures

Commercial, industrial and institutional electric lighting fixture

Other lighting equipment manufacturing

All Others

Industry Activities

  • Manufacturing commercial lighting fixtures
  • Manufacturing industrial lighting fixtures
  • Manufacturing institutional lighting fixtures
  • Manufacturing residential lighting fixtures
  • Manufacturing lamps and lampshades
  • Manufacturing nonelectric lighting fixtures (e.g. propane, kerosene and carbide)


0-0.5% increase

0-0.5% decline

>0.5% increase

>0.5% decline


Market research report - table of contents

About this Report

Industry Definition

This industry manufactures electric lighting fixtures, nonelectric lighting equipment, lighting fixture components and lampshades made of metal, paper or textiles. The industry excludes establishments that manufacture light bulbs and tubes, glass lighting fixtures, vehicular lighting equipment, current-carrying wiring devices and lampshades made of plastic.

Main Activities

Manufacturing commercial lighting fixtures
Manufacturing industrial lighting fixtures
Manufacturing institutional lighting fixtures
Manufacturing residential lighting fixtures
Manufacturing lamps and lampshades
Manufacturing nonelectric lighting fixtures (e.g. propane, kerosene and carbide)

Similar Industries

Additional Resources

Industry at a Glance

Industry Statistics Snapshot

Industry Structure

Executive Summary

Industry Performance

Key External Drivers

Current Performance

 Chart: Revenue Growth

Industry Outlook

 Table: Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia Revenue Outlook

Industry Life Cycle

Life Cycle Reasons
 Chart: Benchmarking - Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia Lifecycle vs The Economy

Products and Markets

Supply Chain

Key Buying Industries

Key Selling Industries

Products & Services

Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the full analysis of the market share concentration in this industry.

Demand Determinants

Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the full analysis of the demand determinants in this industry.

Major Markets

 Chart: Major Market Segmentation for the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia

International Trade

Business Locations

Chart: Business Locations by State Chart: Business Locations by State

Competitive Landscape

Market Share Concentration

Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the full analysis of the market share concentration in this industry.

Key Success Factors

Cost Structure Benchmarks

Profit, Purchases, Wages, Other Costs
 Chart: Cost Structure Benchmarking – Sector vs Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia

Basis of Competition

Internal competition
External competition

Barriers to Entry

 Table: Barriers to Entry Checklist for the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia

Industry Globalization

Major Companies

Operating Conditions

Capital Intensity

 Chart: Level of Capital Intensity for the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia
 Chart: Tools of the Trade: Growth Strategies for Success

Technology & Systems

Revenue Volatility

Chart: Volatility vs Industry Growth Chart: Volatility vs Industry Growth

Regulation & Policy

Industry Assistance

Key Statistics

Table: Industry data Table: Industry Data for the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia

Industry Revenue ()
Industry Gross Product ()
Establishments ()
Businesses ()
Employment ()
Exports ()
Imports ()
Wages ()

Table: Annual Percentage Change for Key Industry Data Table: Annual Percentage Change for Key Industry Data

Table: Key Ratios for Industry Key Dat Table: Key Ratios for Industry Key Data

Table: Industry Financial Ratios Table: Industry Financial Ratios

Liquidity Ratios
Coverage Ratios
Leverage Ratios
Operating Ratios
Cash Flow & Debt Service Ratios (% of Sales)
Assets, %
Liabilities, %

Jargon & Glossary

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Similar Industries in Virginia

IBISWorld provides research covering hundreds of similar industries in Virginia, including:

Included in Spotlight Report

  • Industry Financial Ratios
    State Industry Statistics
  • Historical and Forecast Growth
    State Industry Revenue Forecasts
  • Industry Market Size
    State Industry Market Size
  • SWOT Analysis
    SWOT Analysis
  • Industry Trends
    Industry Trends
  • Industry Operating Conditions
    Industry Operating Conditions
  • Porter's 5 Forces Analysis
    Porter's 5 Forces Analysis

Included in Report

  • Industry Financial Ratios
    State Industry Statistics
  • Revenue Forecasts
    State Industry Revenue Forecasts
  • Historical and Forecast Growth
    Historical and Forecast Growth
  • Industry Market Size
    State Industry Market Size
  • Profitability Analysis
    County Industry Data
  • Industry Trends
    State Industry Trends
  • Industry Operating Conditions
    Local Operating Conditions

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Why buy this report on the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing in Virginia industry?

IBISWorld Virginia Industry Reports enable you to:

  • Discover key local industry trends
  • Identify threats and opportunities at the subnational level
  • Inform your business strategies and planning
  • Understand the competitive environment in your precise location

This report on the Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry in Virginia:

  • Provides Market Size information to assist with planning and strategic decisions.
  • Includes the necessary information to perform SWOT, PESTLE and STEER analysis.
  • Helps you understand market dynamics to give you a deeper understanding of industry competition and the supply chain.
  • Analyses key performance and operational metrics so that you can benchmark against your own business, that of your customers’ businesses, or your competitors’ businesses.

The Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing industry in Virginia market research report includes:

  • Historical data and analysis for the key drivers of this industry
  • A five-year forecast of the market and noted trends
  • Analysis of the economic impact of external factors on the local industry
  • A breakdown of industry market share by county
  • And of course, much more

IBISWorld provides industry research on thousands of industries around the world. Our clients rely on our information and data to stay up to date on business and industry trends across all sectors of the economy. This industry report includes thoroughly researched, reliable and current information that will help you make faster, better business decisions.

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