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Faucet Manufacturing in the US - Number of Businesses

NAICS Faucet Manufacturing in the US Updated: September 12, 2023

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Faucet Manufacturing Businesses in the US in 2024

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Faucet Manufacturing in the US Business Growth in 2024

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Faucet Manufacturing in the US Annualized Business Growth 2019–2024

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Faucet Manufacturing in the US Business Growth 2024–2029

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Questions Clients Ask About This Industry

How many businesses are there in the Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US in 2023?
There are 102 Faucet Manufacturing businesses in the US as of 2023, an increase of 1% from 2022.
Has the number of Faucet Manufacturing businesses in the US grown or declined over the past 5 years?
The number of businesses in the Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US has grown 1.0% per year on average over the five years between 2018 - 2023.
What is forecast business growth of Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US over the next 5 years?
See our full analysis of the Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US to understand if the number of businesses is expected to grow or decline over the next five years.
Which States have the highest number of businesses in the Faucet Manufacturing industry in the United States?
California (20 businesses), Massachusetts (8 businesses) and Florida (7 businesses) are the States with the most number of Faucet Manufacturing businesses in the US.
What costs do startup businesses in the Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US need to be aware of?
The Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US relies on both capital (plant, machinery and equipment) and labor to similar degrees. The highest costs for business in The Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US as a percentage of revenue are Wages (9.4%), Purchases (48.1%), and Rent & Utilities (0.5%). For a full breakdown of the industry’s cost structure, including other financial ratios and benchmarks for startup businesses, see our full analysis.
What companies have the highest market share in the Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US?
The Faucet Manufacturing industry in the US has low market share concentration and the largest business is Kohler Co..

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